Terms and conditions

AIR 'N' SHOX Suspension Shop Center

Payment methods:

Payment upon delivery – payment to courier.

Advance payment (Upon Request).

Personal takeover and payment in our shop.

PayPal payment gateway

Conclusion of contract:

The contract between the seller (AIR 'N' SHOX GROUP, RE-MI TRGOVINA D.O.O.) and the purchaser is concluded at the moment when the customer receives a confirmation by e-mail with the content of the order.


Every product you buy from us has at least one year warranty.

The warranty covers all defects in material and manufacturing.

Warranty does not cover damage on item if it is caused by incorrect installation, mechanical damage or improper use.

We will do our best to ensure that all warranties are resolved as soon as possible.

Product returns:

The right to cancel the purchase - return of goods after purchase through the online store: in case you purchased the wrong item, we can return or replace it for another item within 45 days after receiving it.

Returned goods must be intact and in the same quantity.

You will need to notify us in writing of your intention within 15 days after receiving it. You can do this by registered letter that you send to our address or via email to: shop@airnshox.com.

Then you have 30 days to send the item to us or personally deliver it to our address: AIR 'N' SHOX GROUP Suspension Service-Shop Center | RE-MI TRGOVINA d.o.o. | Linhartova cesta 40, 1000 Ljubljana

When sending you must use traceable method of shipment. For packages of greater value, we recommend to protect the value of the package. The buyer covers the costs of return.

For return, you do not need to specify the reason of return, but it is desirable in order to help us satisfy your wishes.

If after the purchase in our online store you change your mind, please contact us immediately by e-mail. If you don't inform us about your change, and you will then reject the package, we will count the cost of two (2) deliveries.

In AIR 'N' SHOX GROUP, RE MI TRGOVINA d.o.o. we will do our best, to return the paid amount for the purchased item or replace the item. (max. 5 days).

We can return the paid amount for the returned item in the form of a postal payment order or transfer the amount directly to your account.

Shipments with ''cash on delivery'' will not be accepted!


All prices include VAT.

Prices of ordered products are valid on the day of your the order!

We reserve the right to change prices without prior notice.

Pictures can be symbolic.

Luka Mezgec

Vaša privatnost i osobni podaci su nam bitni. Sukladno novoj Općoj uredbi o zaštiti podataka ažurirali smo naša Pravila privatnosti.

Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad ovih web-stranica, ponekad na vaše uređaje pohranjujemo male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići.

Više o Pravilima privatnosti pročitajte ovdje.

Više o Pravilima o korištenju kolačića pročitajte ovdje.

Postavke o kolačićima možete urediti i/ili ažurirati ili obrisati prilikom svakog posjeta našoj stranici. O svemu više pročitajte u Pravilima o korištenju kolačića.

Google maps

Ova web stranica koristi Google Maps za prikaz podataka s karata. Kada koristi Google Maps, Google također obrađuje i koristi podatke o upotrebi funkcija karata od strane posjetitelja web mjesta.

Google tag manager

Analitički kolačići nam omogućavaju praćenje broja posjeta web-stranici, izvor dolaska, a temeljem tih podataka možemo poboljšati i rad same web-stranice. Ti nam kolačići govore koje su stranice više, a koje manje popularne te kako se posjetitelji kreću po web-stranici.

Google analytics

Napominjemo kako ova internetska stranica upotrebljava Google Analytics, uslugu analize korištenja internetske stranice, od tvrtke Google Inc. („Google“). Google Analytics koristi kolačiće, tekstualne datoteke, koje se pohranjuju na Vašem računalu i omogućuju analizu Vašeg korištenja ove internetske stranice.

Facebook pixel

Korištenjem Facebook-Pixela moguće je pratiti ponašanje korisnika nakon što on klikne na neki oglas na mrežnoj stranici Facebooka. Pomoću Facebook-Pixela možemo pratiti prihvaćenost naših marketinških aktivnosti na Facebooku i optimizirati ih ako je potrebno. Prikupljeni podaci su anonimizirani i ne omogućuju identifikaciju korisnika. Facebook pohranjuje i obrađuje podatke za vlastite marketinške svrhe.